Welcome to the Workshops Section of My Little Free Library!
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It's the most AWKWARD AF time of the year!
Navigating Uncomfortable Holiday Moments as an Empowered Creative Professional
(AKA Dealing with folks who don't get it without losing your sh*t!)
This is a workshop I did for actors and other creative professionals on dealing with awkward questions and comments from family and friends.
“How’s the 'acting thing' going?”
“When are you going to be famous?”
“Why didn't you book that audition you told me about?”
Stuff like that.
Originally, I offered this workshop close to the holiday season because that's a time people tend to spend with their families, but really, this stuff comes up all year long.
And if you’re not an actor or creative professional, I still hope you’ll watch because these ideas can be applied more broadly. Many non-traditional careers face similar questions and comments (coaches, online entrepreneurs, etc). So I encourage you to watch it with an open mind and see how the ideas that I’m talking about can apply to your situation, maybe with a little tweaking.